David Champion

My essentials for Stereographics © David Champion
Dans son émission Very Good Trip dédiée à Paul Simon, Michka Assayas expliquait le talent et la maîtrise vocale du jeune Paul Simon et de son acolyte Art Garfunkel. Nous ne sommes donc pas très surpris de retrouver dans les Essentiels de David Champion, entre une guitare Gibson et quelques appareils photos, un exemplaire de Graceland de Paul Simon, quand on connaît les chansons de Champs. En effet, David a formé le groupe Champs avec son frère Michael et impressionne par sa technique vocale. En 2014, les frères Champion ont impressionné tout le monde avec leur premier album Down Like Gold. Qui est capable de résister au refrain de My Spirit Is Broken ? Personne. En 2015, la fratrie Champion a quitté son île natale de Wight et s’est installée à Londres pour enregistrer Vamala, son deuxième album. Si la production a changé les couleurs des chansons, il reste toujours ces deux voix magnétiques. Il se pourrait bien que Champs soit de retour en 2017… — Louis Teyssedou  


Here you can see a collection of objects which are important to me both sentimentally and practically.

The guitar is a 1960s Gibson which I found at a flea market in Paris for a fraction of the price it should have been. It’s been a loyal and important companion ever since.

The device in the upper middle of the picture is an audio interface which we use for demoing all of our new music and as such, is a pretty crucial member of the CHAMPS team, along with the microphone on the right hand side of the picture.

Mike and I both have an interest in photography which is reflected by the two photography books here, and the two film cameras you can see which have accompanied us on many excursions and have both captured many memorable moments.

Papillon is one of my favourite books and I find this tale of human endurance and spirit against all odds to be truly inspirational.

Bodysurfers and The Cruel Sea are also personal favourites.

The red book on the right and the typewriter in the middle are both very important tools for writing. I find using a type writer to be particularly satisfying and cathartic.

Paul Simon’s Graceland has been my go-to album for the past few years and I have such huge respect for the way Simon constantly reinvents himself musically.

Finally the watch in the lower middle of picture is an heirloom which I wear every day.

David Champion (from Champs)
Décembre 2016


More information about David Champion and Champs

My essentials for Stereographics by David Champion
© David Champion / All rights reserved / Reproduction prohibited without permission of the author

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